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Writing Check-in


I am planning on having different kinds of writing in this lesson, as well as other forms of assessment. There will be both formal and informal writing. The informal writing will take the form of daily writing prompts, where I will asks the students a question about the text they have read, ideally from the night before, and they will write down a short answer to get their ideas flowing. Other writing assessments will include worksheets and short essays. I’m planning on having the class watch one of the Hamlet movies, and I want them to write a short essay about it.

There will be leniency when it comes to formal assessments. I believe that students have many talents, and not all of them are able to write a good essay. I’m thinking of having different ways to formally assess the students. This can be done through essays, poetry, blogs, or some other literary activity that the student wants to do. I’ve seen students who don’t usually turn things in become excited at the prospect of a poetry project. I don’t believe essays should be the only way to assess students, so there will be some leniency when it comes to the presentation of formal assessments. The final week of the unit will be spent working on the projects. Students should be able to clearly show themes and the big idea of Hamlet. The final project will include a minimum of six quotes from the text. They will be allowed to also use videos we’ve watched in class as a source.

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